Monday, 23 September 2013

The Hypocrites In The Temple

I'm going to apologise up front for the abandonment of photographs in this particular piece. It would be inappropriate to include photos, as you will understand as you read this. A piece of writing which many will label a 'rant'. Some might call it 'sour grapes'. Whatever.

As a poor, inadequate but burgeoning photographer I tend to buy photographic magazines. Mainly to educate and inspire, so they are 'how to' type publications .. not the arty paper bound galleries that applaud the undoubted talents of our top 'protogs'. So I get mightily pissed off when I spend good money and find myself reading what I would term 'wildlife propaganda' in these magazines.  A case in hand is typical of what I mean. A leading magazine displayed a series of photos by Staffan Widstrand, director of Wild Wonders of Europe. Personally, I thought most of the photos were poor .. but what do I know? I see better images on Facebook every day. What really rankled, however, was this guys audacity in stating that he wanted to extend his conservation organisation to start a Wild Wonders of China group. The aim is to promote 'mass communication about natural heritage' or, if you're cynical like me .. to give him and his cronies another open-access wilderness to photograph? Give me a break! Better still, he states that he wants to get 1.5 billion Chinese to look at wildlife as not just something you put on a plate. A noble statement but one that is so indicative of the arrogance of so many high profile wildlife photographers. Nature is a rich, diverse wonderland steeped in drama, conflict and self-regulation. We are part of that, and so are our nutrional needs. Wolves and big cats don't have the franchise on hunting for meat.

Why do our top protogs and documenteers keep attempting to influence or fiddle with the outcome?
So .. here's a very personal plea to anyone waving a 600mm lens at a threatened species in the near future. Just take the pics, please, guys? And concentrate on the photos. Nature should decide whether it survives or not.

To photograph wildlife and attempt to take the 'wild' away from the 'life' is total hypocrisy.

copyright Ian Barnett Sept 2013

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